Monday, August 24, 2015

After Hours (1935 film trailer)

Clark Gable, you're distinctly not a good-looking man, yet you employ your bag of brilliant tricks to motivate us to accept your ruse.

No personality, since the beginning of time, fuses such wit, confidence and charm to entice women to yearn for him. How would he fare as an actor today? Without the mustache and slicked back hair, he would be an exemplary fit--a modern day George Clooney.

"A dame with millions, and a guy with ideas--he commanded and she defied." There wasn't a narrator for the trailer, and the previous sentence conveys a modest synopsis concerning the plot.
At first, Gable's character appears to be a married man having an affair, yet after watching the trailer considerable times, I believe he's single and not married, yet he's after a woman with money. Whether he loves her isn't reveled, though I would say that's a yes since Gable typically plays a decent human being. There's also a murder involved, though Gable's involvement appears to be innocent.

This would be a thumb's neutral for me. I'm not a huge romance fiend, yet there's Clark Gable looking all young and witty. Again, maybe a boring rainy afternoon would suffice to encourage me to watch.


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